Expert systems

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Expert systems

Strictly, expert systems need not be rule-based. Could store knowledge as (e.g.) frames instead.

The term has no exact definition, but is, like ``database'' or ``word-processor'', a vague one, often misused by salesmen. It would have been generally agreed in the 80s, however, that certain properties distinguish an expert system from other software:

I have started to see ``neural net'' expert systems appearing. Presumably, these can't explain their conclusions, so maybe the sense of the word is changing slightly.

Other words for expert system: intelligent knowledge-based system (IKBS). I think this one was popularised by the British government in 5th generation project.

In the early days, ``expert system'' and ``production system'' were synonymous. Nowadays in AI, production system almost always means a rule-based cognitive model. These always restrict the style of inference and STM to reflect assumptions about the mind's cognitive architecture.

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Jocelyn Ireson-Paine
Wed Feb 14 23:39:25 GMT 1996