Generating irregular words from a root

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Generating irregular words from a root

Irregular words are those which don't obey the normal rules of inflection. In English, these are mainly strong verbs: sing/sang/sung. Smaller classes of irregulars include nouns such as mouse/mice and child/children, and pronouns such as I/me.

The problem then is that we are given the root form of a word. This is the uninflected form: the infinitive of a verb, the singular of a noun, the nominative case of a pronoun. We also have a feature-set which specifies some syntactic attributes, such as plural or past tense. Given these two, we want to generate the correct irregular form.

Note that there are problems with the roots of compound words such as motherhood or house-boat, and I shall only discuss simple words here. Compound words are dealt with in section 3.3.6, which also describes how the roots are obtained.

The MA lexicon holds entries for irregular forms. It turns out that each entry has room to store the root form too. So there is enough information in the lexicon to go back from roots to irregulars, and the problem reduces to one of efficient indexing. It is necessary to know something about how the lexicon is stored, and I'll describe that next.

How the lexicon is stored - the source form

This section and the next go into a lot of implementation details about how the MA stores lexica. First time round, you may want to skim them, and skip to section 3.2.5, which gives an abstract specification of the irregular form generation problem.

When you write a lexicon, you write it as a sequence of lists, each representing one lexical entry. Each entry has five fields:

As examples, here are three lexical entries, as written into the source text of the lexicon:

(abbot      ""  (N (COUNT +)) ABBOT ())

(abandon    ""  (V (ARITY 2) (LAT -) (SUBCAT NP)) ABANDON ())

(+s         +s  ((FIX SUF) (V +) (N -) (FIN +) (PAST -) (AFFREG +)
                 (AGR ((BAR 2)(V +)(N -)(FIN +)(SUBJ +)))
                 (STEM ((V +)(N -)(INFL +)
                 (AGR ((BAR 2)(V +)(N -)(FIN +)(SUBJ +))))))
                S NIL

In these, the feature set for abbot is

(N (COUNT +))
The initial N is itself a shorthand for the feature set
( (BAR 0) (V -) (N +) )
and is declared as such in an Alias N declaration in the file decls, one of the declaration files containing feature names and other things needed by the lexicon. With that expanded out, the feature set for abbot becomes
( (BAR 0) (V -) (N +) (COUNT +) )
This is exactly the same as the internal representation used in the MA. As mentioned in the introduction, an MA feature set is represented as a list of lists. Each of the internal lists has two elements: the first being a feature name, and the second being a value. Feature sets can also be written in square bracket notation. I haven't seen any lexical entries that use this, but a number of the declarations, and all the word-grammar rules, do.

The format of the lexicon source file is described in section 8 of [MA].

How the lexicon is stored - the compiled form


In this section, I describe how the lexicon is stored and accessed internally.

Before the lexicon can be used by the MA, it has to be ``compiled''. This entails calling the MA routine D-MakeLexicon, which builds two files. One of these is a tree-structured index to the entries, designed for efficient lookup given a string of characters. The other is the entries file itself. For a lexicon called d-le, the index would go into a file called, and the entries themselves would go into gif

The entries file generated by D-MakeLexicon is, like the source text, a sequence of lists, one for each entry. The index file is a ``trie'', a standard data-structure for efficient lookup on strings ([Sedgewick], [Wood]). Each leaf of the tree contains an integer, which is the position in the entries file of the corresponding lexical entry. This position is calculated by the Lisp function file-position. Note: this is when the ``in-core'' flag is off, its normal setting. Some systems will only work with it on, see section 3.2.3 for what happens in that case. As well as the index, the index-file also contains a few other bits and pieces at the beginning and end.

The first part of an index file is shown below:

(CL 3 0 UU)


(|b| (|l| (|e| (AA (NIL . 190685)))))

(|n| (AA (NIL . 157158) (NIL . 156650))
     (|c| (|e| (AA (NIL . 157560)))))

(|r| (|y| (AA (NIL . 158038))))

(|t| (|e| (AA (NIL . 191195)))
     (|i| (|o| (|n| (AA (NIL . 158519))))
          (|v| (|e| (AA (NIL . 159006)))))
     (|o| (|r| (AA (NIL . 159511)) (|y| (AA (NIL . 159989)))))))

(|o| (|m| (AA (NIL . 192104) (NIL . 191678)))))
... <etc> ...
The first list, (CL 3 0 UU), indicates that the associated word-grammar works in ``unrestricted unification'' mode. This affects how feature-sets are matched during parsing, and is described in [MA]. The second list names the corresponding entry file, and is necessary so that the MA can tell on loading an index which file it points into.

The remaining lines are the start of the index proper. The index entries are sorted alphabetically. Amongst all the characters in citation forms, the lowest-numbered is +, which starts all suffixes. This means that the index starts with these: I showed the portion for the suffixes able to dom. To finish, here is what the entry for able in the entries file looks like:

(|+able| |+able|
         ((INFL +) (BAR |-1|) (V +) (N +) (ADV -)
          (AGR ((BAR |2|) (V -) (N +) (NFORM NORM))) (AFORM NONE)
          (PART -) (NEG -) (QUA -) (NUM -) (AT +) (LAT +) (FIX SUF)
          (GENINFL -) (STEM ((INFL +) (N -) (V +) (BAR |0|))))
         ABLE NIL)
Presumably, this starts at position 190685 in the file.

It is not normally necessary to worry about how the index is stored, because there are routines for accessing entries via it. However, some knowledge is necessary if one intends to build other indexes, which we do.

The above examples were printed from a lexicon built with the system variables *print-pretty* set to T, and *print-right-margin* set to 72. Normally, these are not set, and the generated files are much harder to read. If you are debugging software which uses these files, I recommend generating them in pretty-print mode.

The in-core flag


There are some Lisp implementations, such as DEC's Lisp, where the built-in function file-position does not work. In DEC's case, this is because if you can find out a file position, you should later be able to return to it, and VMS makes that hard to achieve (actually it isn't very hard, but harder than DEC were prepared to work). For such systems, the MA allows an ``in-core'' flag to be set. This is done by assigning to the MA global variable D-INCOREFLAG.

The normal setting is to the symbol |off|, returned by the procedure DK-OFF. If you set it to |on|, returned by calling the routine DK-ON, then the entries file will be left empty. Instead of file-positions, the leaves of the index tree will be the entries themselves.

Here is how the index shown above would start if the in-core flag had been set on when compiling the lexicon:

(CL 3 0 UU)


(|b| (|l| (|e| (AA (NIL |+able| |+able|
                        ((INFL +) (BAR |-1|) (V +) (N +) (ADV -)
                         (AGR ((BAR |2|) (V -) (N +) (NFORM NORM)))
                         (AFORM NONE) (PART -) (NEG -) (QUA -) (NUM -)
                         (AT +) (LAT +) (FIX SUF) (GENINFL -)
                         (STEM ((INFL +) (N -) (V +) (BAR |0|))))
                        ABLE NIL)))))

(|n| (AA (NIL |+an| |+an|
              ((FIX SUF) (REG -) (INFL +) (BAR |-1|) (N +) (V -)
               (POSS -) (PRO -) (PLU -) (NFORM NORM) (COUNT +)
               (PER |3|) (NUM -) (AT +) (LAT +) (GENINFL -)
               (STEM ((LAT +) (N +))))
              AN NIL)
... <etc> ...
Note that the index still contains the name of the entries file, even though that is irrelevant. If you compile a lexicon in in-core mode, the entries file does get created, but remains empty.

Completion and multiplication rules

When trying to understand the structure of a compiled lexicon, it's important to realise that it will often contain more entries, or more features in an entry, than the source form. This is because the user can specify rules which generate new entries and features during compilation. There are two types of rule, completion rules and multiplication rules, both designed to alleviate the tedium of writing the lexicon.

Completion rules add feature values. The rule below adds a BAR -1 feature-value pair to any entry which contains a FIX feature but does not already contain a BAR feature.  

    (_ _ ((FIX _fix) ~(BAR _) _rest) _ _) =>
           (& & ((FIX _fix) (BAR -1) _rest) & &)
The part of the rule before the => is a pattern, specifying which entries are to be added to. _fix is a variable which can match any value. The ~ means not: only accept entries without a BAR. The part of the rule after the arrow adds the feature-value pair BAR -1, retaining all the features originally present. Completion rules are described in section 8.6 of [MA]. Completion rules can actually be used to delete or amend feature-value pairs as well as adding them, by specifying a different value for some feature, or not specifying it at all, in the second part of the rule. In morphological generation, I use them to modify the entries for inflectional affixes, as described in section 3.2.4.

Multiplication rules are described in section 8.7 of [MA]. Here is a multiplication rule:

    (_ _ ((V +) (N -) (BAR 0) (VFORM BSE) (INFL +) _rest) _ _) =>>
          (& & ((V +) (N -) (BAR 0) (PN PER1) (INFL -) _rest) & &)
          (& & ((V +) (N -) (BAR 0) (PN PER2) (INFL -) _rest) & &)
          (& & ((V +) (N -) (BAR 0) (PN PLUR) (INFL -) _rest) & &)
What this does is to take an entry matching the pattern before the arrow, and generate new entries from it. These new entries contain all the features not mentioned explicitly in the pattern (symbolised by _rest), as well as those that are. Thus, given the entry
(like lAIk ((BAR 0) (V +) (VFORM BSE) (N -) (INFL +) (SUBCAT VP2a))
      LIKE NIL
the rule would create four new entries:
(like lAIk ((BAR 0) (V +) (VFORM BSE) (N -) (INFL +) (SUBCAT VP2a))
      LIKE NIL
(like lAIk ((V +) (N -) (PN PER1) (BAR 0) (INFL -) (SUBCAT VP2a))
      LIKE NIL
(like lAIk ((V +) (N -) (PN PER2) (BAR 0) (INFL -) (SUBCAT VP2a))
      LIKE NIL
(like lAIk ((V +) (N -) (PN PLUR) (BAR 0) (INFL -) (SUBCAT VP2a))
      LIKE NIL

I have not needed to use multiplication rules. However, it's necessary to realise that they will generate new entries, and to plan for this if modifying a lexicon or the MA. Note also that they can cause a lexicon to grow enormously during compilation!

Abstract specification of the lexicon


The information in the previous sections is necessary when modifying the lexicon-handler, but contains more detail than needed for a specification of irregular-form generation. This section ignores that detail, and concentrates on the specification.

Abstractly, the lexicon can be viewed as a set of triples

< citation form, feature set, root form >
where the root form is the entry in the semantics field. The whole set of entries can be regarded as a function which maps the space of words to a set of feature-set/root pairs. is the space of feature sets, and the set of roots. is a subset of .

returns a set of answers because some citation forms correspond to more than one feature-set/root pair. This is most obvious in cases such as sheep, where we have one feature-set to indicate a singular form and another to indicate the plural:

(sheep "" (N (COUNT +) (PLU +) (REG -)) SHEEP ())
(sheep "" (N (COUNT +) (REG -)) SHEEP ())

A more exotic case is abbot, which has one entry for the usual noun, as in the abbot lived in the abbey, and another which (I think) is for it as a form of address, as in the first occurrence in His title was Abbot Francis James, and he was abbot of Liverpool. There is also a third entry, whose purpose I don't know:

(abbot "" (N (COUNT +)) ABBOT ())
(abbot "" (N (COUNT +) (PREMOD +)) ABBOT ())
(abbot "" (N (ADDRESS +) (COUNT +)) ABBOT ())

Sometimes, the different entries are for different parts of speech. Thus there is one entry for abandon as a noun - He danced with great abandon - and two for it as a verb, as in The captain should never abandon his ship.

(abandon "" (N (COUNT -)) ABANDON ())
(abandon "" (V (ARITY 2) (LAT -) (SUBCAT NP)) ABANDON ())
(abandon "" (V (ARITY 3) (LAT -) (PFORM TO) (SUBCAT NP_PP)) ABANDON ())
The three sets of entries above all come from the lexicon in tex2html_html_special_mark_quot/home/projects2/edasst/ANLT3/dict/n.le" and v.le on the Edinburgh cogsci machine.

In all these cases, the different entries still share the same root. Abstractly, they are like this:

< w, fs1, r >
< w, fs2, r >
It is worth noting that the root is not marked to indicate which meaning of a homonym is meant. Although the three abandons have different meanings, the lexicon gives them both the same root; and this happens for all the entries I have inspected.

There can also be cases where the same citation form maps to two different roots:

< w, fs1, r1 >
< w, fs2, r2 >
This can happen if a word is both an inflected form of one root, and the uninflected form of another. One example is saw, which is both the past tense of see, and the tool:
(saw "" (N (COUNT +)) SAW ())
(saw "" (V (ARITY 1) (FIN +) (PAST +) (PRT OFF) (REG -)
           (SUBCAT NULL))
         SEE ()
Another is dug, which is both the past tense of dig, and a word for teat or udder. The first two two entries were in the Edinburgh lexicon; I haven't checked for the latter.

It might seem that yet another is digs: the third person singular of dig, and the slang for lodgings. However, because the verb is regular, it will not be in the lexicon, so the only entry would be for the noun. Another example of this kind which I've found is fuller as in Fuller's Earth, versus fuller meaning more full.

The MA defines a function D-Morpheme which implements . Calling

(D-Morpheme <citation form> )
will return a list of all the lexical entries matching the citation form. D-Morpheme is described in section 3.1 of [MA].

Abstract specification of irregular forms generation


This is essentially the task of inverting the function . We want to define a function , which takes a root and a feature set, and returns the corresponding irregular form. It has to be assumed when implementing this that we have the root. For simple words, it can easily be extracted from the parse-tree returned when the word was originally analysed. For compound words the process is more tricky, but is still feasible. Both cases are handled in section 3.3.6; here, I'll assume the root is always available, and that we're only dealing with simple words.

The first thing to check, before implementation, is whether it is sensible to invert this function. Are there any tricky cases?

Implementing irregular forms generation


Given the stipulations above, the main task in generating irregular forms is to build an index. We want to be able to look up, given a root and feature set , all the feature-set/citation-form combinations for that root. We then match against each, and return the corresponding citation forms.

Luckily, the mechanisms for doing this are provided by the original lexicon. Steve and I have modified the MA so that, when compiling a lexicon, it builds two index files. One of them is the original file, the one mapping citation forms to entries. It is stored in an -le file, as mentioned in section 3.2.2.

The other, which I call the Irregular Forms Index, or IFI, maps roots to entries. It is stored in a new file, whose name ends in -ifi. In the original index, looking up a citation form gives you a list of lexical entries for that form. In the IFI, looking up a root gives you all the lexical entries which have that root in their semantic field. So, abstractly, this implements a function .

These modifications were made to D-MakeLexicon and subsidiary functions. One change needed was to create a general indexing function,

(D-LookUpInIndex word fn index)
in AUTORUN.LSP. This searches for word in index, and if found, applies fn to the result.

Before an IFI can be used, it must be loaded. This is done by calling EA-LoadIFI, defined like the rest of the main morphological generation stuff, in MORPHGEN.LSP. The original lexicon-loading routine, D-LoadLexicon, does not load the IFI. (These comments reflect the state of the MA as I write. The file MORPHGEN.LSP will always contain up-to-date comments on any changes.)

To implement , we call and then filter the resulting entries against . If this filtering process produces more than one citation form, we give an error, otherwise we return it. If it produces none, we go on to try generating a regular form. (As mentioned in section 3.7, this should be modified to handle the possibilities of several irregular forms, of entries marked as having regular and irregular forms, and of entries marked as never irregular.)

To filter the results of , I use feature-set unification. The meaning of feature-set unification is described briefly in section 7.6 of [MA], and in more detail in section 7.4 of [G+M]. The MA provides a function D-Unify, used mainly in the parser, which unifies two feature-sets. Is unification the right kind of matching? This is difficult to answer, because it depends on how much information retains. Pragmatically, I think it is fair to stipulate that the caller of should arrange that his feature-sets be full enough that unification will select only one surface form - though possibly several lexical entries - in the sense of the previous section.

Feature-set unification


This section just gives a brief description of how to use D-Unify, for anyone else who might need it. If you don't, skip it. The routine, defined in MA file UNIFY, takes three arguments: (D-Unify fs-1 b fs-2), where the first and third are feature-sets represented as a list of lists. The second argument is a ``binding list'', which specifies the values of any variables in the feature-sets. D-Unify returns either the atom FAILED, or a list of the form

( <new-fs> <new-bindings> )
The first element of this is the unification of fs-1 and fs-2; the second element is a new binding list.

Feature-sets are represented as a list of lists, each inner list being a pair

( <feature-name> <feature-value )
The value can be a symbol, a variable (see below), or another feature-set.

A binding list is a list of pairs

( <variable> <value> )
Variables are represented as
( <number> <value-1> <value-2> ... )
where <number> is some kind of unique tag, and the values give the variable's allowed range. Thus a variable which is allowed to range over the values + and - might be represented as (1 + -) or (13 - +). I don't think the values have to be sorted in any way. Nor do they have to be the same as the range declared for the feature they are unifying with. If you have declared PLU as having range {+,-} in your feature declarations, D-Unify will still happily unify the feature-set ( (PLU +) ) with ( (PLU (13 + 0) ). In fact, D-Unify does not appear to use the declarations at all.

The last element of the binding list should, I think, always be (T T). If the list contains no bindings at all, then it should be ((T T)).

Here is a sample call of D-Unify:

    '( (PLU +) )
    '((t t))
    '( (PLU (13 + -) ) (BAR |0|) )
(((BAR |0|) (PLU +)) (((13 + -) +) (T T)))

In irregular forms generation, both the feature-sets passed to D-Unify will probably always be ground. Firstly, the one from the lexical entry. The MA does allow the syntax field of a lexical entry to contain variables (section 8.1 of [MA]), but none of the entries I have seen in our lexica do.

Secondly, the one from which the irregular form is to be generated. As far as I can make out from [MA], feature-sets returned from D-LookUp and D-Morpheme will never contain unbound variables unless the lexical entries from which they came do, or the left-hand sides of the word-grammar rules do. Neither is true here. They may contain ``don't-care'' values, symbols whose name starts with an @D. These are added in response to the LCategory definition: section 7.10 of [MA]. However, they are values, not variables.

This means that we don't have to worry about variables, and can always pass ((T T)) as our bindings list.

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Jocelyn Ireson-Paine
Wed Feb 14 17:12:29 GMT 1996