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Fortran format package

The main class is Formatter. To use the package, you create an instance of Formatter and associate it with a format. You can then call the instance's write methods to output data against the format, or the instance's read methods to input data.

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Example 1

The argument to the constructor Formatter(...) is a format string. The constructor parses it and converts it into an internal representation. The parse will fail if the string is invalid, so the constructor is declared as throwing InvalidFormatException. You need to catch this. The write method takes a Vector and a PrintStream and iterates through the format, finding each format element (a specification such as I3 or F12.7) in turn, and writing the next element in the vector against it. The write may fail, for example if a number is too big for a field, or if there are no more elements in the vector. write reports such errors by throwing one of a variety of exceptions. These are all subclasses of OutputFormatException, so you need to catch this.

The call to println is to output a newline after the f.write, otherwise you won't see any output. You could, alternatively, put a slash in the format string:

  Formatter f = new Formatter( "I3, F12.7, E12.7/" );

Example 2

For writing single numbers, there is a simpler write method which takes a single number and a PrintStream.

Example 3

This example demonstrates input. We construct a new Formatter as before. We then call its read method to read data from standard input into a Vector. This time, we check for InputFormatException as well as InvalidFormatException. The former would be thrown if, for example, a putative number contained illegal characters.

Example 4

This example is similar to example 2, but for input. There is a simpler read method that takes a DataInputStream and returns the single object it has read. In the example, we read the object from a string via a StringBufferInputStream. However, that is only for purposes of demonstration, and reading from a DataInputStream connected to a file will work just as well (and is what one would normally do).

Example 5

This example enables us to read into a Hashtable. We pass an array of strings to read. When reading the i'th item ii from input, read looks up the i'th key ki, and puts the item into the hashtable, indexed by ki.

Example 6

This example uses a FormatMap to translate text on input. If you create a FormatMap and pass it to your Formatter's setFormatMap method, then the input routines will use it to try translating each input field before they check it.

Specifically, they chop out a slice of the needed width and column position from the input line, and then pass it to the FormatMap's getMapping method. If this returns null, they use the original slice. But if it returns a string, they use that instead. So your FormatMap's getMapping method could, for example, check for X's in the input, and replace them all by zeroes.

Example 7

This example demonstrates how to check for end of file. If the format reading routines discover end of file immediately after starting the read, they throw an EndOfFileWhenStartingReadException. You can check for this in a catch.

Note that if they discover an end of file later on, they throw a different exception, LineMissingOnReadException (if the end of file occurs at the start of a line) or DataMissingOnReadException (if it occurs part of the way through). The point is that I assume it's a genuine error if, once you have started to read data with a format, there isn't enough data to finish the read. However, if there's no data at all, the EndOfFileWhenStartingReadException can just be used as a convenient way to decide whether to terminate the loop.

Example 8

This example demonstrates a different way to check for end of file. Here, we just use the built-in method available to terminate the loop.

Error checking

There are three main classes of exception, and some important subclasses thereof:

InvalidFormatException is thrown if the format string is syntactically invalid. You need to catch this every time you construct a Formatter from a format string.

OutputFormatException is thrown if an error is detected on output. There are various subclasses of this, each corresponding to a particular kind of error, such as a number that is too big to fit in the width specified for it, or an output list that terminates before formatting is finished.

InputFormatException is thrown if an error is detected on input. Error types include invalid numbers and premature end of input.

EndOfFileWhenStartingReadException is a subclass of InputFormatException. It is thrown if an end of file is detected as soon as we try a read. See example 8. This is probably the only subclass of InputFormatException that you might want to test for explicitly.

On input, error reports look like this:

InvalidNumberOnReadException: Invalid number while reading formatted data:
  Number = "xyz"
  Index  = 0
  Format = I3
  Line number = 1:
Lexical error at line 1, column 1.  Encountered: "x" (120), after : ""
The thing in quotes (Number) is the string which the formatter is attempting to convert. Index is the position it would occupy in the input list. We then see the format against it was being read, and the line number and line. The final message is generated by the parser used to check the syntax of numbers. In this, the line and column number are relative to the beginning of the string being converted ("xyz" in the above), and not to the start of the input as a whole. Note that some error messages can't show the current line because there isn't one: some will show the last line successfully read by the formatter, in an attempt to provide some context.

Error messages on output are similar, but don't show the line being constructed. They do show the object being output.

End of file and missing data

If an input error exception occurs, all the data read into the input list up to that point is preserved, so you can use it. However, be careful in doing so. The error might result from a corruption of the input file earlier on - perhaps a missing block or similar - which has shifted the position of later data. So it would be very unwise to assume that the data you do succeed in reading is going to end up in its intended position.

The formatter does input by maintaining a line buffer. When you do a read, the formatter reads each line as soon as it encounters a format element that needs it, and not before. The / format element causes it to read a newline. This means that if you use the format 5(5I5/) to read five rows of five integers from a file, it will actually try reading six lines - the final one being read by the final / . If your file actually does contain only five lines, this will cause an end-of-file error.

Format strings

In essentials, a format is a sequence of format elements, an element being something like I3, F12.3, E12.3, X, /, or a quoted string 'Title'.

Some format elements can be repeated by putting an integer repetition factor before them: 2I3, 6F12.3, 2X. You can't do this with quoted strings or slashes.

Entire formats can also be repeated, if enclosed in brackets: 2(F12.3,2X,3I3).

Such groups can be nested: 2(F12.3,2(I5/),2X,3I3).

Those format elements that start with letters - X, Iw, Fw.d, Ew.d - must be separated by commas in the format. This is desirable anyway, since it prevents errors made by accidentally juxtaposing the field width of one element and the repetition factor of the next.

Format elements that don't start with letters - slashes and strings - need not be separated by commas: 2I5,/'next line'3I5///,3(F14.5). This means that a format can be viewed as a sequence of groups separated by commas. Each group contains a format element (possibly repeated), and may have slashes or strings on either side without intervening commas.

But you can separate slashes and strings by commas if you want: 2I5,/,'next line',3I5/,/,/,3(F14.5).

Formally, the grammar is given here, defined by Sun's JavaCC parser-generator.

How data is input

An Aw element accepts a field of width w. This is returned as a string of the same width. In Fortran, the reading routines would pad or truncate the field to fit the character variable it is being read into. In our routines, this "variable" is just a location in a Vector and does not have a width, so the field is returned just as it is.

An Iw element accepts a field of width w. Numbers will be converted to Long.

An Fw.d element accepts a field of width w. Numbers will be converted to Double.

An Ew.d element behaves just like an Fw.d element.

The grammar is given here.

How data is output

An Aw element accepts a String and outputs it in a field of width w. Short strings are right-justified with spaces; an error is given if the string is too long.

An Iw element accepts an Integer or Long, and outputs it in a field of width w. Positive or zero numbers are output with no sign and no leading zeroes. Negative numbers have a sign. All integers are right-justified with spaces.

An Fw.d element accepts an Integer, Long, Float, or Double and outputs it in a field of width w.

An Ew.d element accepts an Integer, Long, Float, or Double and outputs it in a field of width w.


The structure is simple in essence, but complicated by the need to pass information around for extensive error-checking.

A Formatter contains an instance of class Format, which represents a complete format. Format is defined to implement a sequence of (possibly repeated) FormatElements. Some of these are FormatIOElements, meaning that they transfer data. These are further subclassed as FormatI, FormatF and so on. Non IO elements include FormatString (for embedded string literals) and FormatSlash (for / elements).

All these format classes have read and write methods. At the top level, these just deal with sequencing and repetition of elements. Once we get down to class FormatIOElement, they start defining the IO conversions specific to each kind of element - an Iw, an Fw.d, etc.

To write elements, we convert them to strings, using methods defined in the class CJFormat. This was taken from a public implementation off 'printf' written and placed on the Web by Gary Cornell and Cay S. Horstmann, for their "Core Java" book. We check that the strings aren't too large to fit in the field, and throw an exception if they are. I chose this one over the other versions of printf available because the Java FAQ states that it is the only implementation known to deal with all formats correctly.

To read elements, we use a buffered input stream which contains its own input buffer and buffer pointer. This is class InputStreamAndBuffer. We extract an appropriate width slice from the buffer. Next, we parse it using the grammar defined in NumberParser.jj. This just enables us to ensure that the data being input is a syntactically valid integer or real. If so, we use Java's built-in conversion facilities to convert to a number. We then put this in the next free location in the input list.

To output data, the user passes it in a Vector. We convert this into a VectorAndPointer, where the pointer keeps track of which item is currently being output.

To input data, the user passes either a Vector, or a Vector and a Hashtable. In the first case, we read items sequentially into the vector, again converting it into a VectorAndPointer to keep track of the next free slot.

24th June 1998

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